Special congratulations to the CBC Books Canada Reads Top Forty novels which include

by Catherine Bush
Accusationa sophisticated and psychologically charged novel exploring how charges of wrongdoing have a life of their own



Annabel by Kathleen Winter
Annabeltwo parents and a trusted neighbour are the only three people who know the truth about a child born in 1968 into the beautiful, spare environment of remote coastal Labrador



Happiness Economics by Shari Lapena
Happiness Economicsa hilarious look at how we measure the value of art when culture clashes with commerce



by Lauren Carter

Swarmperservering in a not-too-distant future, and coming to terms with regrettable choices


What the Body Remembers
by Shauna Singh Baldwin

a 16-year-old girl becomes the second wife of a wealthy landowner in Northwest India in 1937 in a novel that is both poetic and political




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