On behalf of Drawn & Quarterly, Transatlantic Agency is thrilled to announce international rights sales for major fall 2022 releases from the hilarious Tom Gauld and New York Times bestseller Kate Beaton! Deals arranged by Evan Brown and Samantha Haywood.

UK English rights to Tom Gauld’s wittiest and most trenchant collection of literary cartoons to date, REVENGE OF THE LIBRARIANS, sold to Francis Bickmore at Canongate; French rights (excluding Canada) sold to Olivier Bron at Editions 2024; French (Canada) sold to Antoine Tanguay at Editions Alto; and Spanish rights sold to Catalina Mejía at Salamandra Graphic.

French rights to bestselling author Kate Beaton’s first full-length graphic narrative, DUCKS: Two Years in the Oil Sands, sold at auction to Gaëtan Akyuz at Casterman; German rights sold to Christopher Tauber at Zwerchfell.
