Congratulations to fabulous client Ani Castillo, whose breakout picture-book PING (Little, Brown) has made a second(!) appearance in The New York Times, in Maria Russo’s “9 Books To Help Calm and Anxious Toddler” list!
From the article:
“The poofy red creature in this wise book is here to demonstrate a crucial life lesson that can help small children with social anxiety: Go ahead and put yourself out there — what Castillo calls a Ping — but remember, you can’t control how other people will react — the Pong. The creature Pings by painting, singing and “expressing feelings that just need to burst out.” Then it’s time to breathe deeply, listen for Pongs and decide what to do in response. So many books these days offer kids social-emotional counsel; this one delivers down-to-earth ideas in a refreshingly direct package.”
To see the complete list, please visit https://nyti.ms/2upPKtN
Ani is represented by Amy Tompkins and Samantha Haywood.