THE NORTH-WEST IS OUR MOTHER: The Story of Louis Riel’s People, The Metis Nation by Jean Teillet (HarperCollins) has been shortlisted for the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award which is granted to books written in English or French that evoke the special character of and contribute to the appreciation and understanding of the city of Winnipeg.
Jean Teillet is a lawyer who specializes in aboriginal rights litigation and negotiations and is currently the chief negotiator for the Stó:lo Xwexwilmexw. She is published in many journals and law books and is the author of the annually updated Métis Law in Canada. In addition to her aboriginal rights work, Jean is an adjunct professor at the UBC Faculty of Law and is the great grand niece of Louis Riel. Jean is represented by Samantha Haywood.

Don’t Try This at Home: One Family’s (mis)Adventures Around the World by Daria Salamon and Rob Krause (Turnstone Press) has been shortlisted for the Mary Scorer Award for Best Book by a Manitoba Publisher. Daria Salamon’s work has appeared in The Globe and Mail, the Winnipeg Free Press and Uptown Magazine. Her fiction and creative non-fiction have been shortlisted for the Writers’ Union of Canada’s Emerging Writer Short Fiction Award, the Larry Turner Award for Creative Non-Fiction, and the Canadian Authors Association’s North of 55 Writing Contest. Daria lives and writes in Winnipeg.
Rob Krause has at one time performed as a zoologist, a lawyer, and a record label owner. He has been published in the Globe and Mail, Winnipeg Free Press, Exclaim, and, of course, The Canadian Journal of Zoology. Rob has hitchhiked across Europe and toured with bands throughout North America. He’s been to the highest peaks and the lowest valleys. And that’s just with his family when they go to the grocery store.
Daria and Rob are represented by Samantha Haywood.

This Has Nothing to Do with You by Lauren Carter (Freehand Books), had been shortlisted for the Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction, which is granted to the Manitoba writer whose book is judged the best book of adult fiction written in English and published in 2019.
Lauren Carter is the author of four books including the novels This Has Nothing To Do With You and Swarm and the poetry collections Following Sea and Lichen Bright. Her first novel, Swarm, was on CBC’s list of 40 novels that could change Canada. In 2014, her short story “Rhubarb” won top place in the Prairie Fire fiction prize and appeared in the annual Best Canadian Stories (edited by John Metcalf). Her work has also been nominated for the Journey Prize and longlisted multiple times for the CBC Literary Prizes in both poetry and fiction while also earning multiple grants, including the Manitoba Arts Council Major Arts Award. Lauren is represented by Samantha Haywood.
To see the full list of nominees, please visit: https://www.manitobabookawards.com/index.php/en/
The winners of the Manitoba Book Awards will be announced May 15th.