Icelandic rights to the first lady of Iceland Eliza Reid’s SECRETS OF THE SPRAKKAR, to Stella Soffia Johannesdottir at Forlagid, at auction, by Diana Gvozden at Marianne Schonbach Literary Agency, on behalf of Samantha Haywood with Laura Cameron at Transatlantic Agency. For readers of Melinda Gates’s The Moment of Lift and Michelle Obama’s Becoming, the book is a portrait of what it’s like to live, work, and raise a family in Iceland, a nation that has topped the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index for the past eleven years. Part reportage and part memoir, SECRETS OF THE SPRAKKAR (Sprakkar is an ancient Icelandic word that means “extraordinary women”) explores gender equality as it weaves Reid’s experience as first lady, immigrant, entrepreneur, and mother of four with riveting and often surprising stories from women around Iceland – including a fishing captain, sex counsellor, mayor, and comedian – to illustrate what has led to this level of parity while also identifying the challenges that remain to see this dream become a reality.