Happy book birthday to BEHIND THE LABEL by Lorna Schultz Nicholson, out now from Red Deer Press!
Gloria, an impulsive, naïve and likeable teen with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), tries to keep her family together while their mother’s addictions threaten a move to foster care. Willa, an older teen with a learning disability (LD), wants to play in a rock band where her gifts truly shine, but her mother’s controlling and perfectionistic personality―and Willa’s increasingly abusive boyfriend―cause her unhappiness. When Gloria and Willa are partnered in a school club, they soon come to appreciate and depend on each other in a world that at times seems counter to their dreams.
This is the 5th book in Lorna Shultz Nicholson’s One-2-One series about a diverse group of fictional teens connected through a Best Buddies high-school program.
Lorna Schultz Nicholson has written numerous books for children, including the Puckster series. She knew Joey Moss and he was an inspiration to her. Lorna lives in Alberta, Canada. Lorna is represented by Amy Tompkins.