We are thrilled to announce that award-winning journalist Sadiya Ansari’s IN EXILE has been sold to Shivaun Hearne at House of Anansi Press (North American rights)!
IN EXILE is equal parts memoir and investigation, taking a trained journalist to three continents and reaching back a century to understand why her paternal grandmother abandoned her seven children for nearly two decades to follow a man from Karachi to a village in Punjab, over 1000 kilometres away, what her life was like during those long years of separation, and how she managed to reunite with her children.
Sadiya Ansari is an award-winning writer and journalist based in Berlin. Her work — including essays, features, Q&As and books reviews — has appeared in the Guardian, Maclean’s, VICE, Refinery29, Toronto Life, Chatelaine, Policy Options, Toronto Star, HuffPost Canada, Globe and Mail, Reader’s Digest and more.
She has worked as a Professor of Journalism at Centennial College, managing editor of features at Global News, staff editor at Chatelaine and has reported for the Toronto Star, produced TV for CBC News, edited opinion for HuffPost Canada, and covered arts for the Canadian Press. Sadiya is a co-founder of the Canadian Journalists of Colour, a national network of BIPOC journalists. She has served as a judge for the Digital Publishing Awards and the Amnesty International Canada Media Awards.
Sadiya was selected as a 2021 R. James Travers Foreign Corresponding Fellow. Her work has also been supported by the International Center for Journalists, Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council. She holds a Masters of Public Administration from Queen’s University and a Masters of Journalism from the University of British Columbia.
Deal arranged by Samantha Haywood.