We are delighted to announce that Beckie Weinheimer has joined the agency!
Beckie Weinheimer is the award-winning author of CONVERTING KATE, a coming-of-age YA novel that explores what happens when a sixteen-year-old outgrows her religion and starts searching for something else to believe in. Published by Viking Books in 2007, CONVERTING KATE garnered the following awards: American Library Association Best Books, Kliatt: Editors’ Choice, Books of the Teen Age-New York Public Library, and Children’s Book Council Notable Book.
Beckie is a writer, editor, and library volunteer who lives in Maine and loves open-water ocean swimming. Her dark book-club adult fiction work, IN SEARCH OF EMMA MONSON is currently on submission. Set against the backdrop of California’s anti-gay Proposition 22, it is a story of a devout Mormon mother of eleven and her husband Joe, who believes God has ordained him to father twelve children. Does Emma’s disappearance have anything to do with the unresolved issue of this last child’s conception? Has she left of her own accord? Or is it foul play? Stay tuned for more about Beckie Weinheimer and her debut adult novel, In Search of Emma Monson!
Beckie is represented by Marilyn Biderman
Welcome to Transatlantic Beckie!