We are elated to announce that award-winning author and founder of her own literary studio, Breathing Space Creative, Chelene Knight’s SAFE KEEPING: A WRITER’S GUIDED JOURNAL FOR DREAMING, DRAFTING, AND LAUNCHING YOUR BOOK WITH LOVE has been acquired by Shirarose Wilensky at House of Anansi Press for Fall 2024 publication! (World rights)
SAFE KEEPING: A WRITER’S GUIDED JOURNAL FOR DREAMING, DRAFTING, AND LAUNCHING YOUR BOOK WITH LOVE is a journal for both new and established authors that offers tangible, structured guidance for those entering the world of publishing.
Samantha Haywood represented the author in the deal.
Chelene Knight is the author of THE BRAIDED SKIN and the memoir DEAR CURRENT OCCUPANT, winner of the 2018 Vancouver Book Award, and long-listed for the George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature. Her essays have appeared in multiple Canadian and American literary journals, plus the Globe and Mail, the Walrus, and the Toronto Star. Her work is anthologized in MAKING ROOM, LOVE ME TRUE, SUSTENANCE, THE SUMMER BOOK, and BLACK WRITERS MATTER, winner of the 2020 Saskatchewan Book Award. Her poem, “Welwitschia” won the 2020 CV2 Editor’s Choice award. She was shortlisted for PRISM’s 2021 short forms contest. Chelene’s novel Junie (Book*hug 2022) was longlisted for the Inaugural Carol Shield Prize for fiction and is a finalist for the 2023 Ferro-Grumley Prize for LGBTQ fiction.
Chelene’s latest book of narrative nonfiction LET IT GO is forthcoming with HarperCollins Canada in 2024.
Knight was the previous managing editor at Room magazine, and the previous festival director for the Growing Room Festival in Vancouver. She has also worked as a professor of poetry at the University of Toronto. Chelene is now founder of her own literary studio, Breathing Space Creative through which she’s launched The Forever Writers Club, a membership for writers focused on creative sustainability, and the Thrive Coaching Program.
Congratulations Chelene!