Photo Credit: Nicolette Kang

Stephanie Niu is a poet and writer from Marietta, Georgia. Her debut full-length poetry collection, I WOULD DEFINE THE SUN, won the inaugural Vanderbilt University Literary Prize and is forthcoming in February 2025. 

Stephanie is the author of the chapbooks SURVIVED BY, winner of the 2023 Host Publications Chapbook Prize, and SHE HAS DREAMT AGAIN OF WATER, winner of the 2021 Diode Editions Chapbook Contest. Her work has appeared in The Georgia Review, The Missouri Review, Literary Hub, Copper Nickel, Ecotone, and elsewhere. 

She holds a B.S. in Symbolic Systems and an M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University and is the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship for research on Christmas Island’s labor history, through which she led youth poetry workshops and published the zine Our Island, Our Future. She is currently working on a hybrid prose collection exploring cultural identity and archive-making through the lens of the Chinese diaspora on Christmas Island.

Stephanie is represented by Noelle Falcis Math.

Welcome to Transatlantic Stephanie!
