GIFTS FROM THE GARBAGE TRUCK: A TRUE STORY ABOUT THE THINGS WE (DON’T) THROW AWAY by Andrew Larsen has received two starred reviews before it has even hit shelves!
Set to be released by Sourcebooks on September 10th, check out what readers are already saying:
“Informative and inspirational without veering into sentimentality, this title is useful across curricula and will have readers rethinking the value of items that appear seemingly worthless. Highly recommended.” – SLJ STARRED Review
“An unusual storybook written with a keen sense of what appeals to children and illustrated with a strong sense of form, line, color, and shadow, this beautiful picture book tells a story and makes certain points without becoming didactic. An excellent choice for classroom units focused on trash, conservation, or the environment.” ― Booklist, STARRED Review
A picture book about what we throw away, and why it might be worth keeping!
What if everywhere you looked, you saw something to make? Instead of seeing something broken, you saw something to fix? Instead of seeing something to throw out, you saw something to give away? This is how Nelson Molina sees the world. A former employee for the New York City sanitation department, Nelson saved over 45,000 objects from the garbage to fix and show his community through his museum, Treasures in the Trash.
Explore the hidden potential in what we often discard and think differently about consumption, waste, and the impact of small actions. With themes of upcycling, anti-consumerism, love for community, and finding joy, Gifts from the Garbage Truck inspires kids to think creatively and curiously about what they do (and don’t) throw away!
Andrew Larsen is the award-winning and best-selling author of such books as A Squiggly Story, The Bagel King, In the Tree House and The Imaginary Garden. He is the past winer of the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award children’s choice, and Bank Street, Kirkus and CBC best book of the year. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.
Andrew is represented by Fiona Kenshole.