Barb McNally at Sleeping Bear Press has acquired world rights to Sloth & Moth, a new picture book by Helen Taylor to be illustrated by Gavin Scott, for publication in the spring of 2026. Sloth & Moth is a friendship story with a science twist, in which Sloth lives in a tree and Moth lives on Sloth’s back. They take naps, eat mangos, play games, and even travel down the tree together when Sloth descends to poop once a week. They are happy for a long time, until Sloth gets older, and prefers a more solitary existence — or does he? Backmatter introduces the real symbiotic relationship between sloths and moths. Amy Tompkins at Transatlantic Agency represented the author, and Amy Fitzgerald at The Bright Agency represented the illustrator.
Helen is represented by Amy Tompkins.
Congratulations, Helen!