Congratulations on the publication of The Silent Film Star Murders by Melodie Campbell – out now with Cormorant Books!

Embarking on another transatlantic crossing in 1928, merry widow Lady Lucy Revelstoke welcomes new guests aboard the Victoriana, including Renata Harwood, star of the silver screen, and Stella Burke, her bitter protégée-turned-rival. Everyone expects these leading ladies to serve up delicious drama over dinner, but true tragedy strikes when a young woman goes missing. Has she been seduced by a cad? Are they hiding in second class, or has the poor girl thrown herself overboard?

Then a crew member is brutally murdered, and questions arise about just who the intended victim may have been.

Lucy and her pickpocket-turned-maid Elf set out to investigate intricate relationships and scandalous shared histories, determined to uncover if and how a theatrical rivalry can explode into sensational murder.

Melodie is represented by Brenna English-Loeb.

Congratulations, Melodie!
