The Children’s and YA Division represents both established award-winning and best-selling authors and illustrators as well as some of the most exciting and diverse new writing and illustrator talent from across North America. For a complete list of the Children’s and YA Division’s clients please click on authors and illustrators. Founded in 1992, the Children’s Division from its inception sold into the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada as well as into translation territories such as France, Germany and Italy. The Children’s Division’s collaborative approach to agenting draws on the depth of experience of its six agents and is supported with weekly meetings and face-to-face meetings with the agency’s network of overseas co-agents in 40 countries at major trade fairs in London, Frankfurt and Bologna. The Children’s Division’s team of children’s agents, based in New York (Andrea Cascardi, Tim Travaglini), Toronto (Amy Tompkins), Boston (Elizabeth Bennett), Portland OR (Fiona Kenshole, Sandra Bishop), and Los Angeles (Amanda Orozco), cover the full spectrum of children’s literature: board books, picture books, middle grade and young adult, both fiction and non-fiction. For submission guidelines for each Children’s and YA Division agent please click on the agent’s name or click on submission guidelines.
Transatlantic agency represents children’s books from board books through to older YA, including fiction, nonfiction, picture books and graphic novels. Our agents’ taste ranges from the highly literary to the broadly commercial. We have clients located in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Our clients are a talented bunch: we proudly represent award-winners including Newbery winner Clare Vanderpool (Moon Over Manifest), Governor General winner Teresa Toten and NYT and PW bestsellers including Rosanne Parry (A Wolf Called Wander) and Kayla Miller (Camp). Many of our writers write for IP projects: several are well-known American Girl authors. As agents we care deeply about our clients and strategize with them for their careers. We are just as excited for that first debut sale as we are for the glamorous TV option contract.