We are so pleased to see Amy Noelle Parks and Jennifer Swanson recognized on the Kirkus Reviews list of Best Middle Grade Books of 2021!
About SUMMER OF BRAVE by Amy Noelle Parks (Albert Whitman):
★ “Timely, insightful, and highly recommended.”— Kirkus Reviews, starred review
Amy Noelle Parks is a professor of elementary education at Michigan State University, where she helps future teachers recover from the trauma inflicted on them by years of school mathematics.
At night, she writes stories about smart girls falling for feminist boys in quirky midwestern settings and likes using One Direction lyrics as the inspiration for entire novels. Social media still scares her, but she’s working on it.
Amy Noelle Parks is represented by Elizabeth Bennett.

About OUTDOOR SCHOOL: Rock, Fossil and Shell Hunting by Jennifer Swanson (Odd Dot):
★ “A stellar guide that engages readers with rocks, minerals, fossils, and shells.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review
Jennifer began her writing career at the age of five when she wrote and illustrated books for her kindergarten class. A self-professed science geek, Jennifer has always been captivated by the world around her and is curious to understand how it works. As a young childe she used to gather leaves and flowers and look at them under a microscope, wade through her backyard creek, and tromp through woods. She has carried that love of science her whole life.
Jennifer has a B.S. in chemistry from the U. S. Naval Academy and an M.S. Ed in K-8 science from Walden University. In addition to being an award-winning author, she is also a middle school science instructor for John Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth.
Jennifer Swanson is represented by Andrea Cascardi.
To see the full list, please go to: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/best-of/2021/middle-grade/books/